102 Wind Chime Court, First Floor, Raleigh, NC 27615

Weight Loss Shots

Our metabolic vitamin injection is a unique combination of B vitamins.

Medical Testing

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BMI Calculator

Body Mass Index provides a reliable indicator of body fatness for most people.

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Welcome to Choices Weight Management Center

Dr. Brown Pic


We are a medical nutrition practice, with a special focus on Bariatric and Functional Medicine via an evidence-based, individualized approach.

Choices Weight Management goes beyond conventional weight loss methods, specializing in addressing weight loss resistance through the treatment of:

Our Medical Director, Dr. Josephine Brown, has 20 years of experience in Family and Bariatric Medicine. The term bariatric derived from the greek word, bari, meaning weight. Bariatric medicine is the art and science of medical weight management.

We believe that obesity is a disease and we treat it as such through individualized meal plans, lab testing, supplementation, and FDA approved appetite suppressants based on our client’s medical history and preference. Regular private office visits with body fat analysis are provided.

New NewJPG

Choices Weight Management is happy to inform you that we’ve added several non-stimulant medication options. We now offer Contrave and Ozempic.

Both are highly effective with appetite control and weight management.

CONTRAVE is an FDA-approved weight-loss medication for people who are overweight or struggling with obesity. It is uniquely designed to reduce hunger and control cravings, so you can lose weight and keep it off.*

Ozempic® is a medicine for adults with type 2 diabetes that, along with diet and exercise, may improve blood sugar. This medication may also be used for non-diabetics for assistance with weight-loss.

Weight-Loss Management Testimonials

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