102 Wind Chime Court, First Floor, Raleigh, NC 27615

Shannon Mann

Dr. Brown has an amazing program that helped me lose 42lbs in less than four months. Her research and knowledge of supplements, food allergies and ways food can sabotage weight loss was like nothing I’d heard from other nutritionists and doctors I talked to before. In combining her plan with a regular exercise program I was able to see results that I’d never seen […]






Anessa W.

I would like more time to review my diet and nutrition choices. I think having the option of showing my log of food intake would be helpful to make sure while losing weight I am absolutely eating right because some days I am or always sure if I am making the best choices.

Laura H.

I like getting labs done and having one on one time with Dr. Brown. I also like having my thyroid medications and levels checked there. I cannot STAND going to several different drys, I’m busy. I literally don’t have time for that. Even though I need to go in every two weeks, it’s fine, especially […]

Nora S.

It was really good. The lady that work with me was very nice.

Shannon M.

Love the nutrition info provided. The info on gluten and casein have made a HUGE difference!

Regina E.

Janie Bright referred me to your practice. She and I are Sorority sisters.